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Bradford Preparatory School

Car Line Procedures

Car Line Times



9th - 12th Grade : 7:20-7:40AM 9th - 12th Grade: 3-3:10PM
Kindergarten - 8th Grade: 7:40-8:10AM Kindergarten - 4th Grade: 3:15-3:25PM
  5th -8th Grade: 3:30 - 3:55PM

Car Line Procedures


Upper School & Before Care Drop Off

  • The Upper School Car Line runs from 7:20 until 7:40AM.  Cars will use the right two lanes of the big loop to stack up.  Students will be let out of the cars in the unloading zone in front of the Upper School building.  Please do not pull into the far left lane in the morning as we will not be using that lane for Upper School car line.
  • As you approach the back of the line, use the right two lanes all the way around. Do not stack up in the left lane as it will not be unloaded until the K-8 line starts.  Only parents that have unloaded their Upper School student and looped back through the Upper School lot to get back in line for K-8 drop off should be stacked up in the left lane from 7:20-7:40.  The middle lane will go left onto Salome Church Rd when leaving campus. The right lane will head through Freedom House parking lot to turn right on Salome Church Rd.
  • If you have Upper School students and students in Grades K-8, please get in the middle lane as you will have the opportunity to loop back through the Front Upper School lot when you are exiting the unloading zone so that you can get back in line to drop off your K-8 students.  When you exit the Upper School lot to get back in line, you will need to be in the left lane as you go around so that you don't find yourself back in the Upper School line.
Kindergarten - 8th Grade
  • Please do not arrive on campus prior to 7:40AM as you will find yourself in the middle of the Upper School car line.  
  • Students may unload when they hear the whistle.  Students should be ready to unload as they come into the unloading area. Shoes on, backpack in hand.  Parents should remain in the car while students are unloading.
  • Please review "Choosing a Lane" section below to help plan for what lane you will want to be in.
  • The outside lanes will be pulled forward to exit first followed by the middle lane.  Please do not change lanes once you have gotten in line or as you are exiting.


Upper School
  • In the afternoon, please do not arrive on campus prior to 2:55PM for Upper School Car Line.  We have PE classes outside and safety is our primary concern.  
  • When you arrive, please place your car line tag in the front dash of your vehicle.  If you are able to hang it from your mirror, that helps the staff to be able to see it better.
  • Once your children have loaded, please remove the tag from your front dash so that we know that you have all of the students you are picking up.
  • If you arrive in the afternoon after 3:10PM, you will use the K-8 car line to pick up your Upper School student in the K-8 car zones. The K-8 car line starts loading at 3:15PM.
  • If your student does not make it to your car during the loading time, please leave your car tag up and we will call for them.  Please follow the direction of the car line staff to head to Freedom House and your student will walk down there to meet you.
Kindergarten - 8th Grade
  • Please do not arrive on campus prior to 3:10PM if you are picking up students in grades K-4.  If you are picking up students in grades 5-8, please do not arrive until 3:25PM.  The K-8 car line loop is used by the Upper School car line until 3:10 so if you come before then you will find yourself in the middle of the Upper School car line and will have to loop back around to pick up your K-8 students. Students in grades 5-8 will not be released until 3:30 so if you come early, you will be asked to loop back around to pick them up. 
  • Once you get in line to pick up your students, you cannot change lanes.  Your number has been entered in the order you arrived and your car has been assigned a zone.  Changing lanes will mean that your child is heading to a different zone than you are.  Please plan accordingly as you get in line by reviewing the "Choosing a Lane" information below.
  • Please place your carpool number prominently in your car dash.  If you are able to hang it from your mirror that really helps the car line staff.   
  • Once you have your children, please remove the carpool number from your dash as an indication to the staff that you have all of your children.  If your children have not arrived and the carpool staff have begun pulling the cars forward, please pull forward with your number still in the dash and you will be directed to either the visitor lot or the basketball loop where we will radio for your child.  It is really important that you pull forward and do not stay there waiting for your child while blocking the next round of cars from pulling forward.
  • Parents should remain in the car throughout the car line process.  Please be sure to work with your child to learn how to buckle and unbuckle car seats and seat belts on their own.





Choosing a Lane for K-8 Car Line


Choose the right lane if you will be going right on Salome Church Rd when you leave the school (You will exit through Freedom House's parking lot).  Get in the left lane if you will be heading left onto Salome Church Rd when you leave the school.  The middle lane can go either direction when leaving campus.