Student Parking
Parking Pass Requirements:
**Students may not get a parking pass if they have been retained and are not on track for graduation.
Student drivers requesting a parking spot are required to bring the following to the Upper School Front Office:
Student Parking Permit form - signed by student and parent. Form is below and to the right
A copy of proof of insurance for the car or cars they will use while parking on campus
A copy of the student’s driver’s license
$50 for an annual parking pass (discounted to $25 if buying after Feb 1st) Parking pass fees are nonrefundable and non-transferable and that there is a $10 charge to replace a lost pass. Students must have taken Drivers Ed to obtain a parking pass. The school has a record of students that have taken Drivers Ed - there is no need to bring a copy of the course certificate.
Parking passes will not be given to any student who has an outstanding financial obligation.
If a student participates in a carpool, all students who are driving must meet the eligibility requirements and be registered with the office with proper documentation.
Students who park on school grounds or at Freedom House Church without a valid parking permit will face disciplinary consequences.
Please fill out the form below if you have an Upper School student that will be picking up a younger sibling or another student at school.We will release them in the carpool system as follows on a daily basis:
Upper School Students Only - Driver and Student Released to the Front Office at 3PM
Lower School Students -Driver and Lower School Student Released to the Lower School Office at 3:15PM
Middle School Students - Driver and 5th-8th grade sstudents released to Upper School Front Office at 3:30PM
If Upper School driver has siblings or other students they drive in multiple grades including any in K-4, they will all be released at 3:30PM to meet in Lower School office. If the Upper School driver has siblings in multiple grades with the youngest being in 5th grade or older, they will all be released to the Upper School office at 3:30PM
Any out of school suspensions, multiple violations of the Honor Code or Student Behavior Code or outstanding financial obligations may result in immediate loss of driving privileges for the remainder of the semester. Driving to school/parking pass privileges may be revoked for more than a semester if deemed necessary in the sole discretion of the Bradford Prep administration.
Student drivers must observe all North Carolina General Statutes and all Bradford driving rules, this includes obeying all traffic laws, signs and noise ordinances, not speeding or making excessive noise by spinning wheels or playing loud music.
For student drivers under 18 years of age, all state laws shall be followed, including those laws addressing the number of underage students and passengers allowed per driver. And, student drivers under 18 are not to use a device (i.e. cell phones, tablets, GPS Nav systems, iPod/device sound systems) while the car is in motion.
Student drivers are not allowed to sit in their vehicles during the school day. Written permission from the Office must be obtained to enter their vehicles during the day to retrieve forgotten items.
Student drivers must notify the administration immediately if they are involved in an accident on school grounds. This includes any minor damage to another vehicle. Students causing an accident on campus or on Freedom House's campus may have their parking permit revoked.
Student drivers must park in their designated location.
Students and their parents are specifically reminded to be vigilant regarding the contents of their vehicles when they are on school property. The student driver shall not keep illegal, dangerous, or inappropriate items in the vehicle. These include but are not limited to alcoholic beverages, drugs, tobacco products, or weapons. NC law prohibits and deals harshly with weapons and illegal substances in vehicles on school property.
Passengers in vehicles should adhere to seat belt laws at all times on school property.
Careless or reckless driving may result in suspension of campus driving privileges.
The student driver will remain conscious of their presence on a family-oriented campus. Driving habits should demonstrate defensive driving techniques and extreme caution.